Trees are oftentimes associated with revitalization, healing, and anything majestic and serene, and it is rarely heard that trees are akin to things that evoke negative emotions like fear. But the latter is oftentimes observed when trees are swaddled in spider’s web. In fact, even during Halloween, it is commonly practiced to cloak house’s trees with the synthetic web as it creates spooky feels to wherever the trees are near with.  

However, the professionals and tree experts in tree service Macon GA exposed that real webs can actually be seen on trees. And if you are a homeowner whose lawn and garden trees are shrouded with the web, you will most likely resonate with the problems and inconvenience that these webs provoke. 

If you are wondering what kind of spider builds their houses in trees, you will be surprised to know that these webs are oftentimes caused not by an actual spider but either the Eastern tent caterpillars or the fall webworms. Fret not as we will educate you about what they are as well as the preventive and restorative methods you can do.  

On the one hand, fall webworms produce thick web as they feed on a hundred different kinds of trees. On the other, tent caterpillars usually emerge on trees in spring. They feed on different types of trees but can only be threatening when they feed on black cherry trees.  

What is the lifecycle of the fall webworms and tent caterpillar and when do they emerge?  

Faithful to their names, fall webworms are commonly seen during fall, although they can be around in the entire year. They lay eggs in winter and these eggs hatch in spring. When these offsprings grow, they feed on the leaves sometime in summer and begin to spin their webs in fall.  

On the flip side, tent caterpillar’s eggs hatch in the early weeks of March. Around late April, they start to spin their webs around the trees they are on. For about a month, they feed on the tree and leaves before they start to spin their cocoon. These cocoons will become moths after a few weeks. The cycle starts again when these moths lay their eggs in May.  

Do they induce harm to the trees? 

Luckily, these pests do not spawn that much tree issues than you might expect. However, it is a different story for the younger trees. Leaves are important for food production to sustain growing trees, and with the leaf loos due to these worms, young trees may not be able to provide nutrients into their own body. In this case, your trees may need your help to control these pests.  

What can I do? 

There are many ways to do this. For temporary removal, you can use your broom to sweep away eggs and webs. However, if you want a long-lasting effect, herbicide and pesticide are the two great options.  

Do I need a Tree Service? 

When you think you cannot resolve the infestation by yourself, hiring professional tree services is the most effective way of getting rid of them.